Fear of Trump Administration Scares Ann Arbor City Council into Voting Down Public Power Resolutions
Councilmembers voting in opposition voiced their concern regarding the $1.7 million price tag, citing the possibility of future federal action that may restrict access to grant funding. Other members of the city council rebutted this concern: “In reviewing the timeline, this is about as well as a city can plan for a large allocation,” said Councilmember Chris Watson before voting in the affirmative.
“At a time of unprecedented federal attacks on our democratic institutions, and a complete abandonment of its climate commitments, it’s extremely disappointing to see Ann Arbor further retreat from climate action with its vote tonight,” said A2P2 President Greg Wooding, “The money is there, it’s already been allocated, voting down this resolution tonight is hard to see as anything but submission to these attacks coming from the federal government.”
Despite this setback, A2P2 is already preparing for a ballot campaign. “For months, we have been considering running a ballot initiative in 2026, and this vote makes it clear that that needs to happen,” said A2P2 Executive Director Brian Geiringer, “This fight is more necessary under a Trump administration, not less; if City Council is not willing to take on that fight, we believe the people of Ann Arbor are.”
Executive Director – Ann Arbor for Public Power
Greg Woodring
President – Ann Arbor for Public Power