Survey shows Ann Arbor’s reliance on DTE will significantly delay city’s carbon neutrality goal
89.1 WEMU | By Kevin Meerschaert

Survey shows Ann Arbor’s reliance on DTE will significantly delay city’s carbon neutrality goal

The group Ann Arbor for Public Power says, as long as the city continues to use DTE as its power utility, it won’t come close to reaching its goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.
‘I’m Getting Tired…’: Rashida Tlaib Rails Against DTE Energy’s ‘Corporate Greed’

‘I’m Getting Tired…’: Rashida Tlaib Rails Against DTE Energy’s ‘Corporate Greed’

During House floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke against DTE’s “corporate greed.”
Ann Arbor for Public Power Calls for Objective and Timely Phase 2 Study

Ann Arbor for Public Power Calls for Objective and Timely Phase 2 Study

Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 18, 2024.  At the urging of Ann Arbor for Public Power (A2P2) and its supporters, the Ann Arbor City Council recently approved up to $1 million for a second study to determine the feasibility of local public ownership of DTE Energy’s antiquated grid. The study will determine the value of DTE...
Public Power Group’s Legal Analysis Contests Feasibility Study Results

Public Power Group’s Legal Analysis Contests Feasibility Study Results

"...analysis found many errors in the study, which distorted its conclusions regarding the feasibility of a municipal electric utility (MEU). Importantly, the study vastly overestimates the high end acquisition cost. Also, the study’s assumption that the MEU cannot be accomplished by 2030 is not supported by evidence, and the basis of the MEU’s equity & justice rating is incorrect."
Sustainable Energy Initiative for Ann Arbor To Be Placed on November Ballot

Sustainable Energy Initiative for Ann Arbor To Be Placed on November Ballot

A2P2 Executive Director discusses Ann Arbor's upcoming municipalization feasibility study, and how the city's Sustainable Energy Utility might offer a stepping stone to full municipalization
Unreliable service, unaffordable rates: Ann Arbor coalition aims to municipalize electricity
People's World

Unreliable service, unaffordable rates: Ann Arbor coalition aims to municipalize electricity

As the weather continues to tease an early spring, one thing that residents of Southeast Michigan constantly worry about is what has yet to come. Although it’s true that we are on the upswing of the season and nearing spring, we are not normally out of the clear when it comes to a late snow or ice storm until well into the new season. It is not so much the weather itself that leaves many residents wary, but specifically what power outages may result from it.
Group continues to fight for public utilities in Ann Arbor
CBS Detroit

Group continues to fight for public utilities in Ann Arbor

The city of Ann Arbor is positioning itself to provide its own public utilities and potentially move away from DTE. The effort was prompted by an organization called Ann Arbor for Public Power. "It's the only real path forward we have solving this issue," said Greg Woodring, the president and founder of Ann Arbor for Public Power.
UM’s Justin Schott Supports New Feasibility Study for a  Municipal Electric Utility in Ann Arbor

UM’s Justin Schott Supports New Feasibility Study for a Municipal Electric Utility in Ann Arbor

Thank you, Mayor Taylor and Councilmembers. My name is Justin Schott, I teach energy justice at U of M and lead an initiative called the Energy Equity Project. I have worked to  address DTE shortcomings for more than 15 years here and in Detroit, none of these  efforts has sufficiently moved the needle. After Boulder’s...
‘Energy is central to our lives:’ Ann Arbor group releases proposal on city-owned power system
Click On Detroit

‘Energy is central to our lives:’ Ann Arbor group releases proposal on city-owned power system

A Tree Town coalition calling for city-owned electric power has released a proposal detailing how the municipal utility would be governed. Ann Arbor for Public Power (A2P2) has been advocating for a completely renewable and public-owned electric utility system. The nonprofit is made up of residents and organizations hoping to move away from using investor-owned power companies.
Ann Arbor for Public Power calls for a Phase II Feasibility Study
Ann Arbor for Public Power

Ann Arbor for Public Power calls for a Phase II Feasibility Study

Since July 2021, when the Ann Arbor Energy Commission first took up a resolution for a municipal electric utility feasibility study, A2P2 and city staff have been considering the municipalization option and its promise of a cleaner, more reliable electricity supply. In September, 2023, consulting firm 5Lakes Energy delivered its report, “City of Ann Arbor 100% Renewable Energy Options Analysis.” Among its conclusions was the following: “We suggest that the City authorize a Phase 2 Feasibility Study to characterize more precisely the costs and risks of the MEU [Municipal Electric Utility] approach.”
Proposed Municipal Electric Utility Governance Structure
Ann Arbor for Public Power

Proposed Municipal Electric Utility Governance Structure

Ann Arbor for Public Power's proposed governance structure for a municipal electric utility in Ann Arbor.
Kauai became a clean energy leader. Its secret? A publicly owned grid
Canary Media

Kauai became a clean energy leader. Its secret? A publicly owned grid

LIHUE, Hawaii — It’s hard to find anywhere in the United States that has greened its electricity supply as quickly as verdant Kauai. And the people of Kauai achieved that on their own, through collective ownership of the electricity grid, not by hoping profit-maximizing utilities find a way to balance the urgency of human-caused climate change with quarterly dividends for shareholders.