Advisory Board

Michelle Deatrick
Founder and Chair, DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council

Sean McBrearty
Michigan Legislative and Policy Director,
Clean Water Action

Jeff Irwin
State Senator (MI-15)

Yousef Rabhi
Washtenaw County Commissioner

Desirae Simmons
Co-Director, Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice

Christy McGillivray
Political and Legislative Director
Sierra Club Michigan

Mikal Goodman
Pontiac City Councilperson, Co-Chair of Metro Detroit DSA, Campaign Manager for Michigan Alliance For Justice in Climate (MAJIC)

Andrea Pierce
Lead organizer of Idle No More Michigan, Chair, co-founder of the Anishinaabek Caucus of the
Michigan Dem. Party, Policy Director at MEJC

Zackariah Farah
Research associate at Rogel Cancer Center
Officers + Team Members

Greg Woodring
Community organizer and software engineer committed to a green and publicly owned energy future.

Kiplin Kaldahl
Vice President
Research associate, health sciences

Sean Higgins
Image processing engineer, raised Ann Arborite, passionate about fighting for democratization and against climate change, avid birder, biker, and gamer.

Cynthia Price
Former editor of the Grand Rapids Legal News and current editor of Groundcover News.

Brian Geiringer
Executive Director
Plant lover, math nerd, born and raised in Ann Arbor.