Fear of Trump Administration Scares Ann Arbor City Council into Voting Down Public Power Resolutions

Fear of Trump Administration Scares Ann Arbor City Council into Voting Down Public Power Resolutions

At its Monday March 3rd City Council meeting, Ann Arbor City Council narrowly voted down two resolutions that would have prepared the city to move forward with taking their energy utility under public ownership. Ann Arbor for Public Power (A2P2), a grassroots organization that has been advocating for public power in Ann Arbor for the last 5 years, rallied outside of city hall and then filled the Ann Arbor City Council chambers with approximately 75 people in attendance. 
Response to the “Ann Arbor Municipalization Study” from Charles River Associates

Response to the “Ann Arbor Municipalization Study” from Charles River Associates

  Context: DTE paid for this study, so the report should be viewed with great skepticism. DTE wants to make the potential costs of municipalization look as high as possible. The report by noted Big-Oil propagandist Charles River Associates (CRA) is designed to stoke public fears about the cost of a municipal utility, not to...
Ann Arbor for Public Power Endorses City’s Plan for Municipalization

Ann Arbor for Public Power Endorses City’s Plan for Municipalization

“We’re very excited the City of Ann Arbor is preparing to take the necessary steps to achieve public power,” said Ann Arbor for Public Power President Greg Wooding, “we’re closer than ever to freeing ourselves from DTE’s dirty and unreliable power.” 
Ann Arbor for Public Power Calls for Rejection of Feasibility Study Proposal in Current Form

Ann Arbor for Public Power Calls for Rejection of Feasibility Study Proposal in Current Form

  The study should produce a complete valuation of DTE’s assets. The current study proposal, while it does include a thorough field survey of DTE’s physical assets, does not provide enough funds (only 2% of the study’s overall price) for addressing intangible costs, which is the area of biggest need.
Ann Arbor Voters Approve Sustainable Energy Utility; Nearly 80% Vote ‘Yes’ on Prop A

Ann Arbor Voters Approve Sustainable Energy Utility; Nearly 80% Vote ‘Yes’ on Prop A

The voters of Ann Arbor approved ‘Proposition A’ by over 79% on Tuesday, advancing the city’s plan for a local ‘Sustainable Energy Utility’ (SEU). The passage of the SEU is a step towards the full-scale public electricity envisioned by Ann Arbor for Public Power (A2P2).
Voters OK Ann Arbor sustainable energy proposal to supplement DTE service

Voters OK Ann Arbor sustainable energy proposal to supplement DTE service

Ann Arbor can go forward with creating a city-run sustainable energy utility after city voters approved the measure with 79% support in the Nov. 5 election. With all precincts fully counted, the vote on Proposal A was 47,299 yes to 12,854 no.
Ann Arbor’s Phase Two Study Will Lack Key Study Area

Ann Arbor’s Phase Two Study Will Lack Key Study Area

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ann Arbor for Public Power Calls for Proper Feasibility Study Ann Arbor, Michigan.  In late August, the city of Ann Arbor issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a phase 2 municipalization feasibility study, with a budget of up to $1 million. This study should ideally help the community decide whether to...
Survey shows Ann Arbor’s reliance on DTE will significantly delay city’s carbon neutrality goal
89.1 WEMU | By Kevin Meerschaert

Survey shows Ann Arbor’s reliance on DTE will significantly delay city’s carbon neutrality goal

The group Ann Arbor for Public Power says, as long as the city continues to use DTE as its power utility, it won’t come close to reaching its goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.
‘I’m Getting Tired…’: Rashida Tlaib Rails Against DTE Energy’s ‘Corporate Greed’

‘I’m Getting Tired…’: Rashida Tlaib Rails Against DTE Energy’s ‘Corporate Greed’

During House floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke against DTE’s “corporate greed.”
Ann Arbor for Public Power Calls for Objective and Timely Phase 2 Study

Ann Arbor for Public Power Calls for Objective and Timely Phase 2 Study

Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 18, 2024.  At the urging of Ann Arbor for Public Power (A2P2) and its supporters, the Ann Arbor City Council recently approved up to $1 million for a second study to determine the feasibility of local public ownership of DTE Energy’s antiquated grid. The study will determine the value of DTE...
Public Power Group’s Legal Analysis Contests Feasibility Study Results

Public Power Group’s Legal Analysis Contests Feasibility Study Results

"...analysis found many errors in the study, which distorted its conclusions regarding the feasibility of a municipal electric utility (MEU). Importantly, the study vastly overestimates the high end acquisition cost. Also, the study’s assumption that the MEU cannot be accomplished by 2030 is not supported by evidence, and the basis of the MEU’s equity & justice rating is incorrect."
Sustainable Energy Initiative for Ann Arbor To Be Placed on November Ballot

Sustainable Energy Initiative for Ann Arbor To Be Placed on November Ballot

A2P2 Executive Director discusses Ann Arbor's upcoming municipalization feasibility study, and how the city's Sustainable Energy Utility might offer a stepping stone to full municipalization