Ann Arbor for Public Power comments on muni feasibility study RFP

Ann Arbor for Public Power comments on muni feasibility study RFP

. Ann Arbor for Public Power comments on muni feasibility study RFP There is an urgent need for Ann Arbor to transition to renewable power sources. Recognizing this, the Ann Arbor City Council, in its January 18, 2022 resolution, required the completion of a municipal electric utility feasibility study. In response, city staff recently issued...
City Council Initiates Public Power Feasibility Study

City Council Initiates Public Power Feasibility Study

.   City Council Initiates Public Power Feasibility Study Last night, the Ann Arbor City Council unanimously adopted a resolution initiating a feasibility study for a municipal electric utility (muni). This is a critical step towards placing the local electric grid under public control. Ann Arbor for Public Power, a nonprofit grassroots citizen group, has...


On Tuesday, January 18, Ann Arbor for Public Power, a nonprofit citizen group working towards a municipal electric utility (muni), will stage a rally at 6pm in front of City Hall. The rally will be immediately prior to the City Council meeting at 7pm. On Council’s meeting agenda is a resolution beginning the process of...
Ann Arbor Energy Commission Endorses Public Power Study

Ann Arbor Energy Commission Endorses Public Power Study

Last night the Ann Arbor Energy Commission unanimously adopted a resolution recommending that City Council authorize a municipal electric utility (muni) feasibility study. A municipal electric utility is a city-owned utility that provides electric power to all its residents. There are currently 41 Michigan cities and towns served by munis. Last night’s vote culminates a...


New Ann Arbor SEU plan doesn’t offer clean path to 100% renewable energy by 2030. Ann Arbor for Public Power supports the goals of a sustainable energy utility (SEU) for Ann Arbor, but not as a substitute for pursuing municipalization of the local electric grid. 


City Government receives record number of calls supporting Municipalization Last Tuesday, Feb. 9th, Ann Arbor’s Energy commission was inundated with calls from Ann Arbor residents who voiced their support for Municipalization. Municipalization is the process of  transitioning from using a private utility, in this case the private energy utility DTE, towards using a city owned...